MA Project 480/270 @ The Making Space (Huddersfield).Project finished, How did it go? 21/04/2018

How did it go ? it went well, I think its fair to say that overall the project  went very well the project took a bit of effort to get off the ground ,indeed even gettin gthe idea together was hard work,a few ideas were bandied about,good ideas but not the right idea , we settled on the Plastic bottle recycling.or acctually NOT recycling idea as it is a major issue and as luck would have it, at the same time as we started on our project the issue also bacme a national issue in the papers and on TV.

I dont want to go over old ground as most of what we did and how we did it is in older posts of my blog. so i will concentrate on our feedback from the event and after the event.

Our event has a website     which should be open to the public soon,this was a requirment of the University module but is an essential record of our project from start to finish.

After our event we took a look at our “Message in a bottle” feedback collection these were plcaed together and photographed below



 The section below entitled Reflection is taken from our website and reflects the veiws of our group when we got together after the event to discuss how we thought things had gone.


The 480/270 event proved to be a success. Although initially the number of future participants was slightly overestimated, on the day, there were times when all the spaces at the making table were filled with participants.  Having supplied catalogues with examples on what can be created out of reusing plastic brought the community together and empowered participants to take action towards a plastic free life. Informing on the negative effects plastic has over humans and the planet might even have helped further promote the 3R’s : reuse, reduce, recycle by raising awareness towards this issue of great concern. 

 By blending creativity with usefulness, through the workshops conducted on the day, the project further promoted local connectivity. Being a public event, we encouraged everyone passing through the Packhorse Shopping Centre to participate.

 Globe Arts’ plastic response became a valuable resource on the importance of educating the young generation, which in return, further helped educated members of the public that attended the event. 

Connecting with Journey to Zero-Waste Huddersfield not only further promoted the event but became a conversation point on their group which once again, entailed raising awareness as well as helped further weave a network between organizations and members of the community.

By promoting the event on the Arts Council website, exposure for both 480/270 and The Making Space was established. The event was also promoted on their weekly newsletter which we hope helped keep the conversation going.

Considering the event was scheduled to take place early on a weekday, the attendance at workshops was still satisfactory. This was mentioned on the project’s promotional Facebook page by members of the public who would have wanted to participate but couldn’t due to work schedules.

 Apart from raising awareness and bringing the community together, the value of the project can also be measured through the amount of plastic bottles we successfully collected for recycling. With the help of Kirklees Council,the contents of two 660l bins were collected for recycling 4 times throughout the length of the project.


Those were our reflections but we also got reflections from our hosts at the making space and below are our discusions and reflections by the Making Space ..(Again these are available on our website)


Meeting the Brief

Comments from The Making Space:

“Part of the brief is about connecting lots of different pockets of creative things that are happening. It’s quite important to The Making Space to have all these collaborations and join all the dots of things that are happening in Huddersfield. We also know it’s quite a difficult thing at times and it takes time to build those relationships. To do what you’ve done in the short amount of space is really good.”

“That was one of the things that I was both amazed and impressed at, was the scope of it [the project] in the time available.”

Social Benefits Of The Project

We took a lot of small actions which we hoped collectively would have a big impact and benefit society, these included:

  • A sociable making workshop where the issues surrounding plastic are discussed and recycling and reusing is encouraged.

  • Inviting other organisations to participate, celebrating the arts and independent communities in Huddersfield.

  • Providing recycling bins, with information on recycling points in and around Huddersfield.

  • Recycling our bottle installation at the end of the project. Following the circular economy model.

If we have managed to change two or three people’s mindset on using plastic, it’s the start of that ladder of awareness.



We found working in a group of six tricky at times. There were times when you felt you didn’t have a voice. Sometimes somebody would say something in a meeting that you didn’t quite understand but before you’d had chance to ask anything further the conversation had quickly moved on and you were left with the feeling that perhaps you’d missed something valuable. Sometimes an idea would be put forward and someone else in the group would say no. There are times when you need to let go of an idea and accept it’s not right for the project but there are also times when you have to listen to your gut and pursue an idea, perhaps by forming a smaller collaboration within the group with another like-minded member. Develop that idea and present it again for consideration.

The Making Space can relate to our experiences because they are a cooperative. They told us that it has taken them three years to understand collaborative working and they have now developed a meeting facilitation format. Their sessions are run according to those rules with the purpose of giving everyone a voice. They vote on ideas but also give individuals the freedom to pursue an idea.

Execution of the Event

We recognised as a group that we could have done more to attract passers-by across the threshold on the day. Some did give it a try, but the majority avoided approaching the public. The Making Space commented that this is something they too find uncomfortable, but it gets easier with practice and it’s worth pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. Most people will respond.

In hindsight, maybe moving the low barrier, revealing the making area would have opened the space more to the passing public. The location of the Packhorse Centre means that most of the public use it as a short cut to get to where they need to be. The Making Space told us that the Packhorse Centre are trying to encourage people to stay in the centre so events like ours are of real value. They suggested it may have been helpful to say to the public, ‘It will only take five minutes’, because we don’t know what their time commitments might be.

We discussed whether we should have had a series of more specialised workshops instead of just having different items that people can choose from. Considering who came in, if we had done something very intricate it might have put people off.  People did come in saying I’m not creative and then they took part and made something.

The Making Space thoughts:

“I think you got the balance write in terms of having specific things for people to make, also just coming in and making something. It depends what everyone is confident in doing, so you are catering for everyone in that respect. If you just have a table of plastic bottles, people would have had no clue as to what to make. But also, it’s just a suggested thing to make.”

How this project as benefited The Making Space as an organisation.

Comments from The Making Space:

“Definitely has in lots of different ways. It’s been good for us to work with university students. Fantastic link with the university. Also, a project that links with what we are trying to do, which is socially engaged things and trying to get the people of Huddersfield to embrace with more creative things in the town centre.”

“It’s been nice to have the space used straight away. It’s given us a re think that we need to get some things going and some ideas and what’s possible in this space.”

“It’s high on their agenda [the Packhorse Centre] to get more students from the university coming through here. So, the fact that we have done a project with university students, which is about getting people to come in, actually is a useful thing to be saying to them.”

“Inviting people is quite useful for The Making Space. That lets people know about us, lets people know that we collaborate with the university. That’s quite a big benefit for us. The press release, contacting organisations. It’s not just the people who came through the door to do the workshops on the day who now know more about The Making Space, that it exists and who we collaborate with.”

We asked if connecting with other organisations, such as Globe, makes it easier for them to approach these organisations in the future. They said that starting these relationships gives them the possibility to build on that.

Further Making Space comments:

“All that partnership development. These are processes that take a really long time. You did well to get people to answer your emails. If you had emailed me to say no one had got back to you. I would have said, OK, fair enough, that’s part of the course. That process of making personal connections is how stuff happens.”

“Huddersfield in general is quite bad for connecting up all the amazing things that are happening. It’s hard to make these collaborations. Creative Kirklees only works on a certain level. It doesn’t embrace people who don’t know about Creative Kirklees, and who don’t use the internet. It doesn’t cover everything that’s going on, things only get highlighted for one week. It’s really hard to make these collaborations because there is so many things happening.”

How The Making Space would build on this event.

“Do it in different locations, a portable workshop. In a library. Then you are capturing a different kind of customer.”

“You could spin the idea. Theming the same kind of concept. Puppets from plastic, sea creatures, making a plastic city. Spin the idea in lots of different ways but the concept is the same.”

“You could actually go completely the other way and get some makers who work professionally, to do things out of plastic and put on that kind of exhibition. That gives you a model where you can show some stuff where it’s like, oh wow that’s amazing! Then you can do a hands-on workshop for people who obviously aren’t going to be at that level. But you show them some of the simple stuff that you were doing on the day.”

“Having the professional model is like an aspirational thing. Oh, wow look what you cando withthat!”

“It can be quite scary when you see it at that level but then if you have a structure where you can say to people; if you could just pop in and do something for 5 mins, obviously it’s not going to be this but it could be this and show work.”

“It creates that link between someone who doesn’t think they are creative to going, oh, actually I took part I this workshop where there were these amazing models. You are connecting artists with members of the public.”

“You have done a very basic prototype of that already. Which could be developed in that way. Because if you think about it you’ve got all of those things.”

Did we demonstrate innovation?

Comments from The Making Space:

“In the time scale that you have had you have been innovative. It’s not easy coming up with an idea in the first place. That takes a lot of brainstorming and time.”

“For a craft workshop (because I’ve done quite a lot) I think you had a really good spin on it. In terms of it had kind of a sustainable / political stance to it and a lot of craft workshops don’t have that deeper message, they are just fun that you do on a Saturday afternoon. So, to have a workshop that’s got this purpose, or political or social engagement to it, is an innovative thing. Moving forward that is a really good angle to run workshops with because I think that’s where it’s going rather than being just something you do and forget about. It’s actually got a message, a purpose to it.”



Presentation at University

For University we put together a presentation which was part of our MA Module the presentation was presented to all out fellow MA year students,we each put together a few Power point slides each and took turns to present our Powerpoint slides and each said a piece at the presentation.

below is the complete presentation power point


Thats the complete presentation before we took questions from our peers and from our tutors

we each did a part of the presentation and below are the slides I provided and my speach presented with each slide

My slides and my presentation speech

480/270 Project presentation

PP06Slide one

Before we got our idea sorted out I went on a quick visual reconnaissance, to see what visual art works were on public display in Huddersfield

This slide shows a wide and eclectic range of visual art on display free of charge to anyone walking around Huddersfield, from large public artworks such as the abstracts above Buxton way, the two James Wadsworth Statues of Art and Literature which stand outside the Library, the more discreet “Mooning Man” who’s whereabouts is known only to the more discerning ones amongst us. Graffiti art and memento mori grave art. even local eccentric Jake Mangle wurzel has his artwork displayed. These images were later put into the two murals seen here, and later used in a collaborative work by myself and Assunta.

PP07Slide two

Once we had our Idea for the 480/270 project we set about finding out some facts and figures about plastic bottles, here are a few from the BBC website



PP08Slide three

More verifiable facts from reputable sources such as the Telegraph, and the Guardian newspapers, on the same side of the argument for a change, other quotes from website such as Greenpeace, The BBC and ecowatch make for interesting reading.

“over the last ten years we have produced more plastic than during the whole of the last century”

“Virtually every piece of plastic that was ever made still exists in some shape or form”

“Enough plastic is thrown away each year to circle the earth four times

“We are selling 20,000 more bottles every second”

“It takes 450-1,000 years for plastic to degrade.”



PP09Slide four

They say a picture paints a thousand words ……..

So here’s five thousand words

And I don’t think I need to say anything more.




Our presentation was practised about four times we timed each other so as to not go over the time alloted,we stuck to our prepared speach, we stuck to out alloted time and we managed to do a good job despite the nerves, we presented clearly and precisely, working as a team in a well rehearsed presentation.

when questions were asked we had answers, we had made a mistake in one of our quotes 😦 but as far as I know only the one.



MA Project 480/270 @ The Making Space (Huddersfield) The Exhibition 29-03-2018

We call it the exhibition but really it was just an opportunity for passing shoppers to drop in and see what we made for and at our Event

We didn’t expect many people to drop in ,it being Easter and all that, but we did get quite a few popping their heads in and asking what we were doing,this I think was  because we had removed the wooden barrier splitting the making Space room into two sections,by removing that obstacle people were able to see into the entire space which I think helped,and with hindsight we should have done for the event. The people who did come in seemed impressed both by our efforts and also by the message about plastic recycling,and saving the planet (or as much of it as WE can,little steps and lots of them ).

Having opened up the room we laid out the “plastic response artworks” on the big table and kept the work that was all ready on the walls where they were.

here are a few photographs of the exhibition


Laura and chris setting out the artworks before we opened to the masses .


the artworks on the table and work by Globe arts on the wall


The table with “plastic responses ”


Roman helmet .. By ME


A table full of Art



Hummingbird made by one of the Making Space showing what can be done by a sculptor



_MG_7597 SQ

US from left to right

Richard (me) , Chris, Tom, Ashleigh, Assunta and Laura

Us again _MG_7599

MA Project 480/270 @ The Making Space (Huddersfield) 14-03-2018 The Event

The Event

We had our event as planned on the 14-03-2018 at the making spaces new venue  in the packhorse centre Huddeersfield

As has been  reported in my last blog we had got the ceiling covered with bottles,two large bags of used bottles placed in the trailer at the back of the room, our personal responses were placed lovingly in the window

RLD 01s

Above the room being prepared for opening


RLD 02 s

some of our personal responses in the window


We put up the artworks we had made ,and others which had been made for the project,such as the work made by Globe Art Studio’s junior Artists ,a local art group for young people

RLD 05 s

Globe Art Studio’s work

And myself and Assunta’s collaborative photographic/Textile representation of Huddersfield’s world famous(ish) Plastic Lion made from a photographic collage of Huddersfield’s outdoor artworks transferred by a dye sublimation technique onto satin and the lions main represented by plastic bottles.

RLD 06 s

RLD 16 s

Our posters which were made to put across facts and figures about the effects of Plastic pollution

RLD 17 s

RLD 15 s

The message JUST in case you had not spotted it is …. Recyle 

we even got our response installation for the public to write what they thought of our event … made from plastic bottles of course

RLD 18 s

message in a bottle please


some of the feedback we recieved


Nearly ready  a quick view of the outside

RLD 13 s

and our stuff in the window on the left… in the right window a rolling power-point display of the facts and figures about plastic pollution which has been covered in a previous blog

RLD 12 s

My own personal plastic responses ,the bird feeder and the Roman (ish) helmet

RLD 11 s

AND were OFF

Doors open and our first person to arrive and join in making things

RLD 22 s

others soon joined in, some from the general public and some Artists from the Making Space arrived to give support and to contribute.

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two members of the public who joined in the fun

RLD 27 s

and music too

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Laura making a necklace from a lovely green bottle

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Other people around the table were chatting away and making lots of different artworks

RLD 41 s

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Books  and pamphlets to help those with out much experience

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RLD 32 s

Not just me taking photos Chris was active with his camera

RLD 23 s

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we even got the Academics using there hands ………. our senior Lecturer Dr Rowan Bailey

RLD 38 s

A few artworks being produced

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RLD 71 s

Lots of people just how we wanted it 🙂

Not massive amounts but this was a Wednesday  afternoon on a cold day in Huddersfield so we are doing well

RLD 73 s

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RLD 74 s

And all too soon its all over, the music stopped

RLD 70 s

Just the art on the wall left in the building

RLD 45 s

and the mess on the tables

RLD 76 s

OK there are a few body parts in the photo .. but I’m sure get the idea 😉


On the whole I think the idea went down well in almost every respect, and when you consider it was a first for most of us ,not bad at all for a first attempt,

Collaboration is both a delight and a nightmare in equal measures, you get to work with others and bounce ideas around, come up with things which I would possibly not have thought of on my own, also ideas which I was wanting to do had to be shelved as they did not quite work out and fit in with the way everyone wanted to do things,this is the ART of compromise,and nothing I wanted to do but which did not fit in was thrown away, It’s all stored up in the canyons of my mind for another project on another day.

The People from our Joint project Collaborators The Making Space seemed to be quite impressed with our project,which is good to know as they have done these things before and know what a first event by inexperienced artists / students could descend into.

A small Gallery of artwork made on the day






MA Project 480/270 @ The Making Space (Huddersfield) 20-2-2018

More from the making space.

After lots of work on ideas for posters and flyers ,it seems that the team has made up its mind to go with a more formal approach and come up with the two below

TMS poster idea 2s_chris

TMS poster idea 3_chris

the frustrations of team work are as always, compromise…. I was once told that “A camel is a Horse designed by a committee”

they are nice posters,and will i’m sure after a little work and tidying up be very effective

it just seems like i am wasting my efforts, the project is doing well but i don’t feel as if it is anything to do with me … posters, logos all seem like a waste of time and effort. I’m not used to this compromise lark 😀  things also get a little confused when we are all communicating by whats app group msgs. we all have a good working relationship face to face but confusion sets in over whats app,our two hour meeting got things sorted and moving.

5-00pm    just back from our meeting feeling better now i’ve had my medication 😉 we got a lot done in two hours the poster has been tweaked a little and work for the week shared out between us.

Apart from that all is going well I have made some collages from my photographs of the Art works on show on the streets of Huddersfield,these are for a collaborative piece of work with Assunta  who wants to use my collage for her textile piece ,my work has been turned into a Sepia piece and she will print it on special paper and then transfer this to a textile base as part of  the project.

so here below are the two collages in sepia

Left side mural small

Left side mural/collage

Mural right side small

Right side mural/collage

The challenges of team work are difficult…

Will the rewards of team work be worth it ? at this stage of the project I have my doubts but I suspect that at the half way stage of any project doubts creep in,I have no doubts that we will pull off the aims of the project and that it will work ,and be a good group piece of work,my fears are it will put me off collaboration and group work forever.



MA Project 480/270 @ The Making Space (Huddersfield) continued

WE showed our pitch to the Making space people and thankfully they were very positive about what we proposed so now the hard work begins.

I have started to put together some ideas for posters and flyers for our event,I have kept them text free for the moment just concentrating on the Visuals the text can be added later as and when we decide on what they will be used for ,or even if they are good enough to use,we are all getting a few ideas put forward this week when we shall really start to  move the moment though every idea is just a proposal for posters ,flyers and advertisement.

so here’s my poster/flyer rough drafts

magritte polution 02

Rene Magritte influenced idess based on the oceans having plastic bottles rained down on them polluting the seas and oceans for years to come these first draft posters are all variations of that theme.. Plastic Bottles take over FOUR HUNDRED and Fifty years to degrade……

magritte polution 03 postarised

as above but posterised in Photoshop

Magritte polution 01 copy 2 copy

A different wave pattern and some different colours for the bottles,also some bottles floating on the waves My current favourite.



Magritte polution 01

Magritte polution 03 posterised

Minor varriations

Magritte polution paint 01


A Darker version and not just in colour  this one is an idea for showing a Dirty Ocean/sea

Magritte polution paint 02

Magritte polution paint 03

Basic versions of an Idea all can be changed and altered as the master Images are on PSD files and contain all the Photoshop layers used and a few not used.

on Friday we attended the





organised by ROTOR our local arts council funded transdiciplinary Dialogue and Debate Group

I have been fortunate to have been involved with ROTOR before at a  minor level taking photographs of one of their events and of the artists involved one of MY photographs was used on the website advertising the event too see it here

rotor event web site pic

screenshot of my photo on website and the real thing below

Ex 09 small

a nice surprise to see it on the website but would have been nice to be credited.

two of these Events are discussed in older writings in this Blog (see if you can find them 😀 You might like what you see)

some very good and very interesting speakers ,the opening (act ? 😉 ) speaker was Marsden’s own  Internationally renowned Poet …..  Simon Armitage.

Simon did a great job of opening the Event , I’m not a great fan of poetry but he did a very good speech and showed how much depth has gone into his poetry and also into where his poetry, in this case carved into rocks in the great wild outdoors of northern England is situated.

Phil Wood followed Simon and gave a brilliant speech full of wit and wisdom and a nice (if somewhat politically biased) trip down Huddersfield’s memory lane

other speakers followed, with interesting examples of how community arts work  (and sometimes don’t work) in different areas not just of the UK but also we had two speakers all the way from Amsterdam.

all this followed by workshops and a chance to discuss our own project , somewhat timid-ally with the great and good on the panel which consisted of:

Adele Poppleton head of culture for Kirklees

Our own (Huddersfield UNI) Professor Donal Fitzpatrick

Sue Ball Director  of Creative regeneration practise Media and Arts partnership.

as well as the Conference organisers

Dr Ana powell, Sara Pennington and Lee Corner

The event had a wonderful little booklet which came with it giving us all the information about the event and had some good photographs in it. I was once again surprised to see one of my own photographs from a previous event in the booklet (see below) once again without credit.

Rotor mag 4 blog

My pic rotor 4 blog 02

and a cropped version of one of my photographs (which I took for Rotor for expenses only whilst doing my degree) without credit as photographer.

below the photo before cropping to vertical

for blog rotor my image cropped

and again with rough crop lines

blog cory of my pic

A bit of a disappointment that I didn’t get credited as this would have been a good place to have had my Name mentioned.

Apart from that little niggle and moan the show was well worth going to,and I met a few interesting people and learned a little about how they do things.




MA Project 480/270 @ The Making Space (Huddersfield)

St Valentines day February 14th 2018

Yesterday (14th) we got to present our pitch for the Event/Exhibition Idea with our partners “The Making Space(Huddersfield)”

Our Final Power point is as follows with a brief description of what was pitched.

FPP 01

Opening slide just to show our logo and who and what we are

FPP 02

General pitch before we tell them what our story is

FPP 03

The Hook …

showed the slide then had a brief pause before asking if those figures meant anything to anyone on the Making space panal.

when they said no

All was revealed.

480 is the number of plastic drinking bottles used by the average household in the UK per annum

270 is the number of those bottles that are recycled per household,per annum

FPP 04

The Idea.

Aims and objectives.

our pitch was to have an event at “the Making Space” consisting of artistic reuse of    Plastic Drinking Bottles, an event whereby local people are invited to creatively make art from plastic bottles and raise awareness of the pollution problem caused by said bottles.

FPP 05

More info on the pitch as to how it covers our UNI brief and also manages to raise public awareness of the problem,while bringing people together to make Art.

FPP 06

Quick dip into our research of other Arts based groups and of environmental Artists enough to show that we had researched our brief but not too much to make our pitch too long and loose peoples interest, these things can and will be gone into in detail at another time.

FPP 07

Other Artists work just to show what can and is being done(referenced at end of Power point).

FPP 07b

Mandy Barker international artist who we have been in contact with, and who is too busy to be  with us, but is willing to make comments and take an interest in our work through our social media and our website.

FPP 08

The Event

“Making at The Making Space”  possibly “Making @The Making space”


An event for the creative people of Huddersfield to come together and make things, sculpture and art work made on the day using plastic bottles, also art work made for the event but not at the event can be brought in beforehand and displayed on the day.

The making of art on the day will be documented visually via photography and possibly video streams.

Using our plastic bottles to decorate the ceiling of the Making space following the theme of  480 bottles to raise awareness of the amount of plastic waste made by each household in the UK.

The Exhibition

Made at (@ ?) the Making Space

Display at the Making Space of artworks made for and at the event, photographic documentation of the event and the artwork, written descriptions and artist statements

The displays at the exhibition will also be available online at facebook, Instagram and other social media and also on our own website, creating an opportunity for people to leave comments and feedback.

FPP 09

How we intend to promote our event and our Exhibition

FPP 10

An open invitation for Questions by our hosts and partners from “the Making Space”

Que to open conversation about what we have presented and also how.

FPP 11

references for images used in Power point presentation.

Well it was St Valentines day after all and it’s not too arrogant to say our hosts at the Making space … loved it




MA Project The Making Space (Huddersfield) second edition

    Our rough outline of  what we are going to do



A project organised by MA Digital Media Students:

The Making Space is a collaboration of artists working from an open plan indoor space in Huddersfield.  We are a group of 6 MA Media students, with a brief to work in The Making- Space, to create an environment to host an event on March 14th. The purpose, is to engage with the public and community groups, using different creative, practical disciplines and trades, including: textiles, fine artists, visual media and lens-based practitioners.


What are we looking for?

We are looking for 2 wall areas in the venue to be creatively transformed, to convey, Huddersfield’s Past, Present & Future. The approximate sizes of the work needed in the space would be 7ft*10ft, using the walls as the canvas. It would be entirely up to you, to decide on your own approach and creative influence, but the work should in some way, tell a story of Huddersfield through its changing states or stories, using some of the following themes:


  • People
  • Engineering
  • Textiles
  • Music
  • Design
  • Media
  • Education
  • Landmarks and geography


How many could be involved:

That’s up to you, it could be done your own, in pairs or a small team.


What do you get out of it?

  • Free Materials for this project
  • A chance to apply your own creative talent, on a project that you can direct.
  • A means to promote you and your work.
  • Working with different people, on a live brief.
  • Exhibit your own work in a public place.
  • Be promoted through marketing material we develop.
  • Photographic publicity for you to use. (if you want)
  • High quality digital copies of your finished work.
  • Feedback from the MA students and the Public.



Event:  Wednesday 14.3.18 (7 weeks, work to be finished within 4 weeks).



We ask, if you want to be involved, to make sure you’re able to follow through and complete your work in the time available.


The Making Space



MA Media students involved:

Assunta, Laura, Chris, Richard, Tom and Ashleigh. (around Wednesday’s and Friday’s).



Free for this project.


Please reply by: Thursday February 7th through Gill Sampson or directly by email.


Contact email:

Any questions? just ask.

Chris: or Richard:


The Venue:

A short walk from 21 Market Place, Huddersfield. Available weekday’s 9.00am -7.00pm

pics for project brief blog


Above is our Brief

After much discussion and various ideas brought up and discarded we are now getting a little bit further along with the project

mind map below shows thoughts and ideas as we came up with them

Mind map MKSPC 01

Mind map MKSPC 02

Our rough idea for   the brief as always with these things we will add to it and discard from it as things evolve.

pitch 02

pitch 01




To help reflect on the presentation today, this summarises our rationale and proposition to engage creatively with the community.



The proposal highlighted the scale and impact of consumer-led plastic waste, that always starts locally.  Plastic we suggest, is not the problem, it’s every community’s attitude towards a throw-away culture.  In our collaborative response to the brief, the group proposes to engage the public and creative-art’s community in Huddersfield, through an issues-based awareness approach.  The event and supporting exhibition, centre on the very current, local and-global issues of plastic pollution.


The event, to be held in the Making Space, seeks raise awareness, through creativity and engaging individuals in making creative sculpture from everyday plastic bottle waste. We hope Huddersfield’s creative communities, will express their identity and creative interpretation to a wider audience through this work. We feel, combining Huddersfield’s creative manufacturing culture, with The Making Space, would encourage local people to apply themselves in changing habits, that effect places beyond the pride of their own town.


Or priories are based on responding, demonstrating and qualifying an interdisciplinary to:

  1. Social impact   Community awareness       3. Execution        4. Cross disciplinary thinking.


Initial and ongoing research suggest a greater need for commercial efficiencies in mostly all communities. Part of this research discovered, that despite the symbolism, connotation and importance of the Lion Statue, in the town centre, this is also made efficiently from a form of plastic composite.   We would hope, the event using plastic bottle waste, allows individuals to re-cycle and make their own statements, rather than thrown away without a thought.




Event                             Exhibition                         Sharing the work others               Feedback mechanisms

we are getting nearer to the pitch to the making space people and have put together the basis for a power point presentation

seen here below

PP 01

PP 02

PP 03

PP 04

PP 05

PP 06

PP 07

PP 08

PP 09

so far so good but still a long way to go

helpful hints on making a presentation provided for us by Assunta

24.1.17 The Enterprise Workshop  

Presentation Skills Helen Walker, Staff development manager.

Top tips for planning a presentation.

The five cardinal sins

  • No clear point
  • No audience benefit
  • No clear flow – audience can’t connect if there is no structure. Don’t throw balls at them, idea after idea. Do tell them a story.
  • Too detailed
  • Too long

To detailed and too long are connected. Do not data dump. Do not show graphs or write paragraphs on the slides. Eyes will glaze over. Don’t bullet point, be more creative. Put up single words.


Do not open your computer and start by creating your first slide.

Instead get a pen and paper and ask yourself:

Why am I presenting?

What am I trying to achieve?

How am I credible? (confident, knowledgeable, enthusiastic)

What is my key message? (The one thing you want them to take away.)


What is in it for the audience? (e.g. Academic tutor, are we meeting the module brief? How does it benefit The Making Space?)

What is important to them? What are they looking for?

When you have the answers to the above, think content.


Always look at content before structure.

Brainstorm with post-it notes, then find links. Link in different ways.

Presenting is about taking the content of your brain, putting on the post-it notes, linking and deciding what you are not going to talk about. Do that by asking yourself: What is my focus/purpose? What is important to the audience?


Let the audience know your structure, tell them the journey you are going to take them on.

Start with a hook, get their attention. Can be something funny.

Establish credibility by saying what you’ve done. Keep it short and snappy.

Pitch Solving a problem, how is your solution better/ different from others. (build relationships).

Practice your pitch, over and over to build confidence. Preparation is key.

End by telling them what they get out of it. Finally, Are there any questions?


More to come later this week so hold onto your hats 😀




MA Project The Making Space (Huddersfield)

The Making space is part of Our MA project Basically the Making space is in thier own words

“The Making Space is a shared workspace in Huddersfield where craft makers, technologists, artists, engineers, musicians, and anyone interested in learning, can share their skills, and by sharing begin to collaborate on new ideas, projects and products.

The most important skill is being interested in learning, and we welcome anyone who wants to get involved.”

our project is “To Animate 21 market place”by connecting with,talking to and celebrating the Independent arts and culture in central Huddersfield”

straight away we ran into a slight problem … 21 Market place which was the home of the Making Space,had been let by its owners and the making space was having to relocate to new premises,luckily they managed to get new premises not too far from 21 market place ,in the “Pack horse center” Huddersfield just round the corner from No 21.

Task one.                                                                                                                                              we had a look at our individual and group strengths

each of us filled in a  template spider chart to show what theses strengths were.


A bit rough but a good starting point to get to know each others strengths and experiences,all these charts were backed up by a getting to know each other meeting and a quick mapping of Ideas

Brief thoughts _0001

an example of such is above

having met each other and had a meeting with the members of The Making space we had a look at individual tasks which are in the chart below

Week 2 plan

I went out and took photos of what Public Art is on show for members of the public as they go about their business in the town center here they are below

including a project by Kirklees college called the spirit of Huddersfield

1 Spirit of hudds Co-op rld 02

2 Spirit of hudds Co-op rld 01

and Public (Civic ?) art built into the 1960’s Buxton House flats

3 Buxton House Art rld 02

4 Buxton House Art rld 01

Below are the Two figures sculptured especially for Huddersfield s Art Gallery and library by Mr James Woodford, ARA  they symbolise Art and Literature, both carved from local stone aprox  1939

5 Wadsworth R rld 01

6 Wadsworth L rld 01

7 Wadsworth L rld 02

8 Wadsworth R rld 02

also on the Art Gallery are two art deco panels

9 Art Deco Panal Library rld 01

10 Art Deco Panal Library rld 02

Not all Huddersfield s Public art is High art below is Jake Mangel Wurzel a local character contribution to Public art from back in 2004

11 Jakes Folly rld 01

Wilko’s shop window .. Is it art ? or just advertising

12 Wilkos windows rld 01

Below are four of the 1960’s murals on Ramsden House showing Huddersfield’s Textile Heritage

13 Textiles Mural rld 02

14 Textiles Mural rld 03

15 Textiles Mural rld 01

16 Textiles Mural rld 04


In the early 1970’s after the wanton destruction of Huddersfield’s Victorian Gothic Market place the Council put up a modernist Market place which they chose to decorate with controversial sculptures at great expense then for some reason only known to councils they planted trees in front of them so they can only be seen in winter when the leaves have fallen.

17 Market Hall sculpture rld 03

19 Market Hall sculpture rld 02

20 Market Hall sculpture rld 04

Also hidden away in Huddersfield center are these three carvings on one of the towns Gothic buildings .. can you find them ?

21 Carving no 1 rld 01

22 Carving no 2 rld 01

Huddersfield’s famous Mooning man

23 Carving no 3 rld 01

At what point does Protest and Graffiti become art ?

24 Fund Art not War rld 02

25 Fund Art not War rld 01

26 Fund Art not War rld 03


More Graffiti art by the side of the Hart pub formerly the white hart pub

27 Street Art The Hart rld 01

Graffiti art under neath the arches some of which were sponsored by businesses such as the Mexican restaurant with the Mexican themed Graffiti

28 Graffiti Art Archways rld 01

29 Graffiti Art Archways rld 02

30 Graffiti Art Archways rld 03

35 Graffiti Art Archways rld 08

31 Graffiti Art Archways rld 04

32 Graffiti Art Archways rld 05

33 Graffiti Art Archways rld 06

34 Graffiti Art Archways rld 07


and Finally grave art vanitas skull and bones which are quite rare this far down in England, Scotland has many such gravestones especially Stirling, also a few in Northumberland  and one other this far south is at Eyam Derbyshire

36 Grave Art rld 01

37 Grave Art rld 02


week 3 planner below

week 3 plan


Quick map of new Making space venue and poss layouts

Poss display areas

I had a go at making a new Logo for our project here are some examples below my instincts were to keep them reasonably simple and include things which I consider symbolise Huddersfield  such as the Railway station,the Plastic Lion and castle hill

Logo rld 01 small

Logo rld 1 plus text 01 small

Logo rld 03 plus text 04 small

Logo rld 02small

Logo rld 02 plus text 02 outlined small

Logo rld 02 plus text pallette small